Monday, July 22, 2013


So this is a shorter update..buttt....I had a 10k this past weekend. It was rather nerve racking. I hadn't competed in over a month, let alone at 85 degrees at the toe line. I felt my nerves and overall energy surging. I was truly scared to complete 6.2 miles. I have done this distance lord knows how many times before. I ran it smoothly until about mile 4. Then my brain, body, legs sank. Unannounced to me I might add. I tried to make it a game to complete. I picked out a runner, caught him/her over 100meters and the ran that pace for about 100meters then picked my next target. I managed to put 6 runners behind me and push at a pace I thought was strong through marker 5.5. This was the first time I have tried that strategy when my mind is giving up on me. Has anyone tried this before? When I rounded 6.1 I saw in the distance 2 runners slowly panting and I raced every last drop I had to pass them. I did! I completed 68th overall from 300+ people. I would assume I was sitting uncomfortable at around 75th place until my little experiment.

I have to keep in front of me that I am a new runner and have yet to truly experience everything that is my sport. Does anyone have any newbie advice or things they would do differently.

That said I re-ran my race distance just last night and took 4-6minutes of my actual race time. Which makes me wonder what other factors played a role in my limited success. Regardless it was an adventure/journey that I will have logged for time.

Did I mention that I'm pretty positive at the post-race run last night every single gnat from upper Delaware was on the course. One way to consume protein, run with your mouth open hahaha GROSSSS!

Official 1st 10k stat: 56:13

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